CardMedic for Hospitals

The CardMedic application removes any language or communication barrier between patient and clinician, making healthcare safer, more efficient, and more accessible. It is proven to increase patient confidence to 95%.
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Why CardMedic?

One in three of your patients has additional communication needs, be that because of a language barrier or because of a visual, hearing, cognitive impairment or literacy ability. To provide in-person translators and sign-language interpreters to meet all patients’ needs would cost £3.5bn, over 150 times the current NHS spend on translation services. The average trust spends £1-2m a year on translators and there simply isn’t enough of them to help everyone. This creates, inequalities leading to delayed patient care, poorer experience and ultimately worse clinical outcomes.

CardMedic In Action
CardMedic On Mobile and Tablet

What is CardMedic?

CardMedic is a digital point-of-care communication tool offering instant access to bespoke flexible communication support for patients with differing needs, capacities, languages and backgrounds. It’s accessed through our app and website and provides multi-lingual content, sign-language videos, easy-read, and read aloud content replicating clinician-patient conversations.

CardMedic Helps

Reduce Delays In Care

By giving your teams the tools to work more efficiently, when translators aren’t available.

Improve equality

By breaking down communication barriers.

Reduce translation costs

Reduce the reliance on translation services.

Improve patient outcomes

Reduce the reliance on translation services.

How CardMedic Supports Care Pathways


In a busy emergency department, it’s important people are triaged as quickly as possible. With CardMedic, we don’t have to wait for translators, especially during the middle of the night when they’re less likely to be available.

Surgery / Pre-op

CardMedic is great, it helps patients understand what we’re trying to tell them in a very simple manner. It really improves patient safety, and I can carry it around everywhere.


Situations can develop very quickly in maternity, often before a translator can be found. CardMedic can be used quickly to help convey important information during labour to the mum, and her partner.


Communicating clear messages about a child’s care to their parents, and the child themselves, in a way that they can be understood makes clinical situations seem much less daunting.

Palliative & Bereavement

Compassion and empathy is so important in palliative care. CardMedic helps nurses overcome communication barriers during traumatic and sensitive situations.


If someone’s ability to communicate has been impaired as a result of a physical or neurological injury, CardMedic can help staff and patients convey clear messages and ultimately help speed up someone’s rehabilitation.

Ambulance & Air Ambulance

In a trauma situation you sometimes have just seconds to communicate with a patient. Effective communication between a paramedic and a patient can be a matter of life and death.

How To Get CardMedic

CardMedic is a software-as-a-service, with a cost-effective subscription and no implementation required. You can even try it for free. Your teams can begin using it right away from our app on any mobile device or a web browser. In fact, your teams might already be using our free version.

CardMedic in action

CardMedic are committed to improving communication for those who are underserved, isolated and marginalised. I look forward to the work we are doing together to change care for such communities.
Benash Nazmeen

Specialist Cultural Liaison Midwife, Director for Association of South Asian Midwives and Sheffield Maternity Cooperative, Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

Frontline NHS innovation at its best. A privilege to support such important and fundamental work.

Dr Mary Darking
Director of Digital Media Cultures Research, University of Brighton

Accurate, concise communication is vital for providing effective, safe, inclusive and empowered healthcare. Communication augmentation tools, like CardMedic, that allow accurate information-sharing in time-sensitive resource-limited situations, increase patient safety and efficacy of care.

Wing Commander Marcus Stow, OBE MStJ
Ministry of Defence

I love tech that works, on the ground, for clinical staff, that is simple, effective and benefits patient care. CardMedic ticks all these boxes. I can't wait to see how the app develops and would encourage clinicians to add it to their digital pocket.

Nic Vovk
Quality Manager,; Ex-NHS Pharmacist

CardMedic is an inspired response to the patient communication challenges in healthcare. A vital resource that fills a huge gap in service provision and improves patient safety and quality of care.

Helen Hughes
CEO, Patient Safety Learning

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CardMedic In Action

Award-winning inclusive communication for all